Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q2

Release Date

August 8, 2017 at 10:00 AM PDT


Top: Lightweight Pearl Weave Pants: Lightweight Rip Stop Cotton Color: White, Black


White: $169 - $174 Black: $179 - $184

Purchase Limits

Two per colorway, per customer.


This comp series we bring back the return of RIPSTOP pants!!!

In this season of the COMP STANDARDs we are bringing back one of the most popular fabrics for us a few years ago, which is ripstop cotton pants that we discontinued for a bit. But since demand was very high we decided to bring it back for at least one season of our COMP STANDARD.


Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q2 white pants
Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q2 white bag
Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q2 white
Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q2 white
Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q2 white


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