Shoyoroll Batch #74: MAGIKimono V3

Release Date

February 9, 2018 at 10:00 AM PST


Top: Pearl Weave Cotton Pants: Canvas Cotton Color: White and Blue


White: $200 - $205 Blue: $210 - $215

Purchase Limits

One per colorway per customer/household.


Once again, we teamed up with the legendary Chris Haueter, an American Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Pioneer/Artist and all around RAD human, to release the V3 of this dual effort project by MAGIKimono for Shoyoroll. Batch #74 features a simplistic design with minimal embroidery hits on both sides of the sleeves. This kimono will be offered in limited quantities and available in White and Blue.


Shoyoroll Batch #74 MAGIKimono V3 white
Shoyoroll Batch #74 MAGIKimono V3 white top
Shoyoroll Batch #74 MAGIKimono V3 white top
Shoyoroll Batch #74 MAGIKimono V3 white top
Shoyoroll Batch #74 MAGIKimono V3 white top


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Shoyoroll Batch #43: MAGIKimonoShoyoroll Batch #67: MAGIKimono V2

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