Albino and Preto PGL Comp
Release Date
Japan: March 9, 2025 at 10:00 PM JST Europe: March 9, 2025 at 10:00 AM GMT U.S. Reserve: March 11, 2025 at 11:00 AM PDT U.S. Public: March 12, 2025 at 11:00 AM PDT
Top: 380-gram Pearl Weave Pants: 10oz Cotton Color: White, Black, Blue
S, SF, M, MF, ML, MT, LL, LT, XL, XLL, 2XL, 3XL
Japan: ¥38,500 ($260) Europe (White): £180 ($232) Europe (Black): £190 ($245) Europe (Blue): £190 ($245) U.S. (White): $195 U.S. (Black): $205 U.S. (Blue): $205
Purchase Limits
Introducing the new ‘Competition Workwear’ series by Albino & Preto, a refined competition compliant uniform that will now replace the RS series. The new competition series features the MN001 silhouette which provides optimum range of motion without jeopardizing durability and quality. Comprising a rigid 380gsm pearl weave kimono top which offers day-in-day-out toughness paired with the updated Novo pants which feature an elastic waistband. Reinforced seams can be found throughout both the top and bottom pieces along with competition patches located on the shoulders and center back for the top and exterior legs and seat on the bottoms.
Rash Guard and Shorts
Albino and Preto Japan (White) Albino and Preto Japan (Black) Albino and Preto Japan (Blue) Albino and Preto Europe (White) Albino and Preto Europe (Black) Albino and Preto Europe (Blue)
Albino and Preto (White) Albino and Preto (Black) Albino and Preto (Blue) Albino and Preto Rash Guard SS Albino and Preto Shorts Albino and Preto Tee (Black)
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