Albino and Preto Series 1 Brazil
Made in Brazil Series 1.
Release Date
February 26, 2016
Top: Light weight Pearl weave Pants: Light weight twill cotton Color: White, Blue
White: $180 Blue: $190
Purchase Limits
One per color per customer.
Unlike most A&P releases that are made in Pakistan, this series of gis was made in Brazil.
A&P is now here!!!
A&P made its debut into the jiu-jitsu industry a few years ago and we’d like to express our gratitude and thank all who have supported us from the get go! We have big things planned for this year and are amped to get started.
Over the last couple of years, we have gone through sampling in different countries. After countless samples, our decision was made that our home based manufacturer will be in BRAZIL. We do intend to manufacture in other countries, however, it is an important decision for us to pay homage to the home of our sport and art. Manufacturing in Brazil is something we started working on a year ago.
With that said, we would like to give you the opportunity to pre-reserve for our Made in Brazil Series 1 Kimono. Please note that this is NOT a pre-order, you are pre-reserving your size to ensure we allocate accordingly. If you do not submit an entry, we cannot guarantee that your size will be available for purchase once the Gi goes live. If you have more than one entry, for the same style & color, we will only count your initial entry. Subsequent entries will be voided. We will not accept late entries after the deadline.
Again, we want to thank all our loyal customers and supporters for following the brand over the last few years and we are excited for you be a part of our new movement going forward. Stay tuned!
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