Shoyoroll Batch #66: Mission22 Project

DF x ND x SYR. Nous Defions. DualForces.

Release Date

December 2, 2016 at 10:00 AM PST


Top: Canvas Pants: Canvas Color: Black


$180 - $185

Purchase Limits



In an effort to raise awareness for the fight against Veteran Suicide, SYR x ND x DualForces combined efforts with the Mission22 project. The Mission22 project is a personal project between friends to embrace Combat Sport for Combat Veterans and supporters. The Mission22 project embodies the movement that Jiu Jitsu and its culture saves lives.

For more information about the project, please visit:

Shoyoroll and Nous Defions will be donating a portion of the proceeds to the Mission22 project and the Elder Heart Foundation.


Shoyoroll Batch #66: Mission22 Project top
Shoyoroll Batch #66: Mission22 Project pants
Shoyoroll Batch #66: Mission22 Project bag
Shoyoroll Batch #66: Mission22 Project


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Shoyoroll Batch #28: Nous DefionsShoyoroll Nous Defions x Shoyoroll V2

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