Shoyoroll Batch #32: Beast

Release Date

October 15, 2014 at 10:00 AM PDT


Top: Standard Pearl Pro Pants: Standard Canvas Color: Black, White, Navy


The white version was made available to GUMA members. The blue version was sold for $.99 during the 2014 Christmas season, and was made available again during the 2015 PanAms.


Black: $195

Purchase Limits

Black: Two per customer


Batch #32 is another project creatively driven by the DF crew. There was a time in the era of the 90’s where competitors had patches all over their uniforms. The era where BEASTS like Bustamante, Terere, Leozinho, Roleta, Margarida, Shaolin, and Ze Mario owned the podium and changed the game forever. This is the era our brand is built around and some of the legends we salute through our brand each and every day.

The gi is build with custom silk screened patches all over the gi along with some woven small embroidery patches. We don't do projects very often that have a ton of patch work all over the gi. This is a one off release that lets us work with the them. Our brand is build off the legends of 90's in the Art and Sport of JIU-JITSU.


The early, iconic Jiu-Jitsu competitor uniforms of the ‘90s were the inspiration behind the Beast design. The goal was to mimic the layout of those ‘90s uniforms and make it as loud as possible using fabric-type patches all over the kimono. We teamed up with our friends at DualForces creative group to help us with design on this project.


Shoyoroll Batch #32: Beast (White)
Shoyoroll Batch #32: Beast (White)
Shoyoroll Batch #32: Beast (White)
Shoyoroll Batch #32: Beast (White)
Shoyoroll Batch #32: Beast (White)


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Shoyoroll Batch #108: Stampede

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