Shoyoroll Batch #70: White Flag

Release Date

UberGÜMA: June 23, 2017 at 10:00 AM PDT Public: June 30, 2017 at 10:00 AM PDT


White Top: Lightweight Pearl Weave White Pants: Twill Cotton Olive Top: Canvas Olive Pants: Canvas Color: White, Olive


The olive version was an UberGÜMA exclusive.


White: $250 - $255 Olive: $260 - $265

Purchase Limits

One per member.


_Raising the White Flag has had many meanings to various groups throughout History. How we remember it is mostly for its significance during battle where it was used as a sign to show your opponent that you have given up during battle and you no longer want to fight. Additionally, it signifies that you are ready to bow down to their forces and accept their ways as yours with no resistance. So in essence by accepting this tradition, you accept that surrendering is an option. Batch #70 White Flag Kimono was created for the individual who refuses to get sucked into or persuaded by the popular idea of others, who force you to abandon your ideas, and to adopt the ideas of the mainstream.

We refuse to acknowledge any option of surrender at all cost. Each project at Shoyoroll is done with the vision to push far beyond the borders and politics of Jiu Jitsu without comprising our values based on the popular vote of others. While we are forced to swim with the commercial sharks, who have only come to eat and not cultivate our sport and culture, we send a signal to the masses by raising our version of the White Flag. We not only fly this flag as a symbol for those who stand by us but also for those who stand against us. The white flag we fly is so you can clearly see the bold black writing that reads "Fuck No". It's the answer they don't want to hear but at the same time it's the same one that will always keep us here._


Shoyoroll Batch #70: White Flag white top
Shoyoroll Batch #70: White Flag white pants
Shoyoroll Batch #70: White Flag white top back
Shoyoroll Batch #70: White Flag white pants back
Shoyoroll Batch #70: White Flag white


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