Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q1

Release Date

May 5, 2017 at 10:00 PDT.


Top: Lightweight Pearl Weave Pants: Twill Cotton Color: White, Blue


White: $169 Blue: $179

Purchase Limits

Two per color per customer.


In our continued pursuit to create the perfect Jiu Jitsu Kimono, it is our pleasure to introduce the NEW Comp Standard XVII.

The Comp Standard kimono was originally created to address the need for more sizes when Jiu Jitsu brands restricted us to choose from only 4 sizes. Building a kimono that fit most body types seemed so foreign, but Shoyoroll revolutionized the industry by being the first Jiu Jitsu company to introduce 16 sizes within its size range. Our sizing methodology became so popular that it is currently the industry’s standard for companies to carry this size range.

Through our ongoing research and development program, we are constantly exploring and playing with new materials and cuts that push the Kimono limits.

Shoyoroll is committed to maintaining a consistent and classic fit for all our customers. Without compromising our integrity and quality, you can count on Shoyoroll to always think outside the box and lead the industry where it is afraid to go.


Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q1 white top
Shoyoroll Comp Standard XVII Q1 white pants


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